Rank, gender and working arrangements of ADF members: results from the Defence Census and implications for partner employment

When it comes to families we generally don’t think that the rank of the member matters. And family support initiatives are tri-service (or purple) in their approach. But when it comes to partner careers it’s more nuanced than that. Because careers are where personal factors meet contextual ones. For ADF partners these contextual factors include where and how much our ADF members work, and how much of the unpaid family work we’re performing as a result. So it’s with interest that I look at the data from the 2019 Defence Census to find out how the ADF workforce is working in terms of service, rank and gender, and what implications it has for partner employment. … More Rank, gender and working arrangements of ADF members: results from the Defence Census and implications for partner employment

Why the PEAP program is essential but not enough to address ADF partner employment challenges

This article first appeared on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/partner-employment-assistance-program-peap-essential-enough-mccue/. It has been edited slightly for the current format “by focusing on the empowerment/DIY job readiness solution to ADF partner employment, we are holding partners themselves responsible for their employment woes (and making them responsible for fixing it) whilst at the same time removing the responsibility from other … More Why the PEAP program is essential but not enough to address ADF partner employment challenges